Spirit of Ryan
The Spirit of Ryan Awards are given annually to individuals who promote the values and traditions of Archbishop Ryan High School.
Honorees have shown outstanding service to Ryan through work on alumni programs, advisory committees, activities and athletics, and other efforts that ensure the success of the school and advance the mission of Archbishop Ryan High School. Recipients may include faculty and staff members, business and community leaders, alumni volunteers, and / or loyal donors.
Individuals who have displayed consistent commitment to the success of Ryan will be honored with the Father Rene Barczak, OFM Award.
The In Vite Mane Award will be awarded to two deserving graduating seniors who represent the school and the Spirit of Ryan program through their service, education and extra-curricular involvement. In Vite Mane is Archbishop Ryan’s school motto to “Remain in the Vine”. The committee felt the name of the award was in line with the mission to keep all our alumni connected to Archbishop Ryan High School.
2023 Sprit of Ryan Awards
Rose Arpino - Staff
Kevin Ball - Staff
Jay Ems - Class of 1993
Gerry Laskowski - Class of 1972
Pat Flood Williams - Class of 1972
Fr. Rene Barczak, OFM Award for Dedication and Service
Mary Anne Benner - Class of 1974
In Vite Mane Student Award
Anna Finocchiaro - Class of 2023
Connor Jackson - Class of 2023
Past Spirit of Ryan Awardees
Regina Abernethy
Edythe Barras
Edward Bond
Patrick Boyle
Walter Bradby
Father James Callahan
Patricia Carlo
Charles Carnila
Robert Clothier
Sr. Eileen Frances Cooke
Barbara Corney
George Deal
Gerard Donahue
Father John Donia
Sister Marie Duffy, IHM
Mary Edwards
Sr. Frances Antoinette Engler SSJ
Louis Fante (Posthumously)
Glen Galeone
Andy Hafele (Posthumously)
Laura Hill
Edward Lawrence
Sr. Lauretta Linsalata, IHM
Edward Macko
Marie Mastalski
James McCoy
Rosemary Naab
Gerard Nejman
Tom O'Leary
Marie Roberta
Joseph Ryan
Marie Salvucci Smith
Joseph Snock
Carl Tori
Edwin Ulmer
Kim Williams
Charles Koslosky '69
George Miller '70
The Honorable Dennis O'Brien '70
Thomas O'Connell III '70
Richard Eife '71
Debbie Ciraolo '72
Victoria Long Flaville '72
Carol Pendergast Giordano '72
Kathryn Evans Schafer '72
Sister Donna Breslin, SBS '73
Joseph Burns '73
Nora Kramer '73
Dorothy McMullen PhD '73
Mary Achilles '74
Mary Anne McFadden Benner '74
Michael Brill '74
Daniel Dougherty '74
Donna Capper Fox '74
Edward Szyszko '74
John Zeglinski '74
David Bontempo '75
Terry Bowman '75
Neil Brassell III '75
Michael Bremser '75
Rev. Harry Geib SJ '75
Joseph Golden, Jr. '75
Robert J. Tammaro '75
Bernadette Polisi Clapp '76
Mary Kelly '76
Patrick McNally '76
Samuel Pond, Esq. '76
Father William Stout, OFM '76
Kathleen Lyons Thomer '76
Peg Hasher Cascerceri '77
Coleen McCrea Katz '77
William Larkin, Jr. '77
Margaret Montufar Punsola '77
Eileen Matthews Sitarski '77
Donna Kinsley Staskel '77
Doleres Schnitzel McMullen '78
Mary Pamela O'Halloran McPeak '78
Janice Tangradi '78
William Colfer III '79
Phillip Consalvo '79
Christopher Ferguson '79
Col. Philip Iannuzzi '79
Madonna McCrea Phillips '79
Faith McGorry '79
Fran McGorry '79
Edward Milillo Jr. '79
Charles Penepresso '79
Miriam Eslinger Roberts '79
John Scarpello '79
Joseph Ems '80
Colleen Brassell Munsey '80
Father Joseph Devlin '81
Gary Barbera '82
Msgr. Joseph Prior '82
Maureen Berry Drumm '83
Janine Buffone '84
Dr. Francis McCaffery IV '85
Cheryl Kontogeorgos '86
Officer Daniel R. Boyle '87 (Posthumously)
Michael Constanzo '87
Wiliam Gretzula '87
Nancy Kurtz '88
Janine Scarpello DiGioacchino '88
Shawn Dixon '90
Linda Rehfuss '90
Jennifer Clark '91
Geralynn Geist-Dionisio '91
Bernard Rogers '92
Hollie McDonald '93
Sean P. Killion, EdD, MBA '94
Maria Zimmerman-Culp '94
Sgt. Patrick McDonald '96 (Posthumously)
Joseph McFadden '97
Colin Burke '99
Bobby Sacco '00
Roger Munsey '04
Ryan Simmons '04
Sarah Hutchins '06
JD Hallman '07
Past Father Rene Barczak, OFM Award Honorees
2006 - Father Rene Barczak, OFM
2007 - Margaret Lamb
2007 - Frank Morris
2007 - George Todt
2008 - Jerome O'Connell
2008 - Sr. Alice Hess, IHM
2008 - Sharon Marie Biasini
2010 - John Quinn
2010 - Stephen Pawlowski
2010 - Mary Lorenzo Brelsford
2011 - Rev. Noel Wall, OFM
2011 - Rev. Edmund Wesolowski, OFM
2013 - Gene Ciccimaro
2013 - Joyce Wilusz
2014 - Helen Chaykowsky '76
2014 - Donna Drennen Hnosko '76
2015 - Michael McArdle
2015 - Thomas Dolan '69
2016 - James Meredith
2017 - Patricia Berryman Miller '69
2018 - Dr. Dorothy McMullen '73
2019 - Laura Hill
2019 - Marie Salvucci Smith
2020 - Patricia Carlo (Posthumously)
2020 - Sr. Marita deLourdes
2021 - David Bontempo '75
2022 - Sister Lauretta Linsalta, IHM
Past Invite Mane Student Award
2021 - Emily Gudas '21
2021 - Ryan Hueber
2022 - Luke Contino '22
2022 - Sierra DiDonato '22