Ryan Class Reunions

Reunions are a great opportunity to reconnect with fellow classmates and share in the memories of our time at Archbishop Ryan. Through the Friends of Ryan we can assist in planning and coordinating the event through our donor and event management applications. Along with reunion planning, a class can choose to help support and raise funds to a specific Archbishop Ryan capital improvement.


Looking for help to plan your next class reunion? Let the Friends of Ryan help.

The Friends of Ryan maintains a history of managing successful events utilizing our organizational structure, robust back-end infrastructure and network of contacts and donors. Instead of recreating the wheel, let the Friends of Ryan assist with a developed planning guide.

Typically, a six month lead time is necessary to organize an event. Between gathering the appropriate committee, selecting location and entertainment and generating the necessary marketing requirements planning is critical to making the event a success.

  1. Contact Friends of Ryan at friendsofryan.team@gmail.com to state your interest in holding a class reunion.

  2. Create a committee.

  3. Choose a Friends of Ryan partner venue.

  4. Choose a Friends of Ryan partner entertainment option.

  5. Contracts / Insurance

    • All contracts must be signed by a representative of the Friends of Ryan.

    • The appropriate insurance rider will be obtained through Friends of Ryan.

    • Friends of Ryan will place any deposits.

    • It is recommended to select a cash bar. If a cash bar is not selected, it is recommended to requesting a consumption bar.

  6. Class List

    • Friends of Ryan will work in conjunction with Archbishop Ryan to generate a class list and through our promotions obtain the necessary contact information for alumni not originally identified.

Reunion Promotion

Once the event details are secured, event promotion is key.

  1. Social Media. Friends of Ryan will assist in generating graphics and creating an event through our Donor and Event Management System, Network For Good. Additionally, a Facebook event will be posted to the Friends of Ryan Facebook page.

    • We recommend you create a Facebook page for your class if one has not already been created. This is a great way to create positive buzz for your class reunion and get updated information. Once the event has been created on the Friends of Ryan Facebook page, the event can be shared and invites sent.

    • We will send out alerts about your reunion on the Friends of Ryan Facebook page, Archbishop Ryan Facebook page along with an e-mail blast campaign.

  2. Selling Tickets

    • Friends of Ryan utilizes Network for Good as a Donor and Event Management System along with Squarespace. Tickets will be available online and at the door as a point of sale appropriate.


Help Support Capital Improvements

Friends of Ryan, in coordination with Archbishop Ryan High School, identify capital improvements that are necessary for the growth and stability of Archbishop Ryan. A class reunion is an excellent opportunity for a class to raise funds to support a specific improvement . The class will be recognized within social media as supporting the specific goal.